Definition of Donations
Sadaqah Nafilah vs Sadaqah Wajibah
Sadaqah Wajibah” refers to obligatory charity, meaning it is a required act of giving to the poor that is considered a religious duty, while “Sadaqah Nafilah” refers to voluntary charity, which is highly encouraged but not mandatory; essentially, “Wajibah” means “obligatory” and “Nafilah” means “optional.”.
Key Differences:
Sadaqah Wajibah must be given by those who meet specific criteria, like reaching a certain wealth threshold, while Sadaqah Nafilah can be given by anyone at any time.
Sadaqah Wajibah often has designated categories of recipients outlined in Islamic teachings, whereas Sadaqah Nafilah can be given to anyone in need.
Sadaqah Wajibah includes Sadaqah al-Fitr (charity given during Ramadan), and Kaffarah (expiation for breaking a fast). Sadaqah Nafilah includes donating to a mosque, helping a neighbor in need.
You who believe! Give away some of what we have provided for you before a day arrives on which there is no trading, no close friendship and no intercession. (Quran3:254)
Spend and do not calculate, (for)Allah would calculate in your case;and do not hoard, otherwise Allah would be withholding from you. “(Muslim)
The importance on Zakaat:
Zakaat literally mean to increase. Technically it means to purify one’s wealth by distributing a prescribed amount, which has to be given to the poor as a fundamental ibadah (act of worship ) zakaat is one of the five pillars of Islam. The amount of wealth which makes one liable for zakaat is called nisaab.
The rate of Zakaat which has been fixed by rasoolullahi salalahu alaihi wasalam is 2.5%

What are the 5 conditions of Zakat? Who Should Give Zakat?
1. They must be free individuals; slaves are exempt from paying zakat.
2. The obligation of zakat applies to Muslims
3.The individual must be of sound mind (according to Imam Abu Hanifa)
4. Zakat is obligatory for adults
5. The person must have complete ownership and control of their wealth.
Who cannot take Zakat?
The recipient must not belong to your immediate family; your spouse, children, parents and grandparents cannot receive your zakat. Other relatives, however, can receive your zakat. The recipient must not be a Hashimi, a descendant of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
Sadaqat-al-Fitr (Fitrana)
The amount that must be given is equal to 1.75 kg of wheat or 3.5 kg of barley or its like. This does not mean that a person must distribute wheat or barley, one may give its equivalent value. (Because this fluctuates it is improper to specify a price, although it is usually between one and three pounds.)
Sadaqah al-Fitr is a very emphasised Sunnah (which according to many is the status of Wajib) which becomes due before ‘Eid Salah, although it is preferable to give it a few days before ‘Eid so that the poor actually receive it and are able to spend it on `Eid day. If one does not give the Sadaqah al-Fitr, it will remain due no matter how much time passes after ‘Eid.
When is kaffarah required?
Sadaqah Wajibah must be given by those who meet specific criteria, like reaching a certain wealth threshold, while Sadaqah Nafilah can be given by anyone at any time.
Sadaqah Wajibah often has designated categories of recipients outlined in Islamic teachings, whereas Sadaqah Nafilah can be given to anyone in need.

When a Muslim intentionally breaks a fast during Ramadan without a valid reason

When a Muslim intentionally breaks an oath or vow
How is kaffarah performed?
By feeding the needy or poor
By emancipating a slave or Muslim captive
By fasting for two consecutive months
How to pay kaffarah for breaking an oath?
Feed the needy: Provide a meal to ten people in need. The meal should be valued at around £5 per person.(£50 to feed 10 people)
Sadaqah Nafilah
This is Sadaqah Nafilah but is a type that does not have the condition of having to be passed into the possession of a person, as it can be given to institutes (e.g. Masajid, hospitals, schools, orphanages, etc).
Charity above the amount of Zakat and Sadaqah Wajibah
This type of Sadaqah is the essence of Lillah. Although not categorised as necessary, this type of charity, as long as from pure means and with pure intentions, is always accepted by Allah. It is also this type that Allah I has described as a beautiful debt, as He treats this charity as a loan which He will repay in the hereafter.
‘Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan? For (Allah) will increase it manifold to his credit, and he will have (besides) a liberal reward.’ [Qur’an, al Hadid, 57:11
Sadaqah generally refers to optional charity. Similarly, Khairat is an Urdu term that also denotes voluntary charity